[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Why are you angry Marshal?

Movement of new page after writitng stuff is going to take a bit to get used to.

Kinda sucks there are no page numbers/post numbers ect

I’ll give the answer derps gave because he’ll be too afraid to say it

Uh I was bored and wanted to see if I could get anything fun from it

I did a reaction test where I pretended to post someting from scumchat in main thread talking too my teamate to see how they reacted

When I have pent up anger, I usually just boot up a game and commit genocide against the human race

Im a special cookie, okay?

I am more tempted to vote Marshal to be honest. I don’t know, he doesn’t rub off me the right way. Derps just seems to be someone who was too lazy to really make any reads from the previous posts and wanted to make a reaction test to get faster results.

this isn’t pretty derps but this is the true and it’s better to have the truth out there.


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he did make me summarize basically everything for him.

a supprisingly accurate read.

Just scrolling up a bit I want to say derps seems more freeflowing and engaged than last game so maybe a good look.

Will probs do an iso and stuff for a more concrete read after doing a bit of earlygame reading if someone can remind me

I would have said that

what did you hope to gain from it other than “reactions”

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special is one word for ti

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so has anyone been convinced i’m a bad lynch yet

I mean a bit of fun, but yk

I don’t think he did.

i honestly think he did it for reactiontests sake

I feel like I’m agreeing with basically everything Kai says

have a townlean for now

It shouldn’t be surprisingly accurate. I skimmed through the post he made and saw he was basically disconnected from the thread and didn’t seem that interested in investing massive amounts of time in trying to be updated with everything. Anyone should see that

Hello, convince me you’re a bad lynch gogogo