[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Bad stuff as they all would have additional power

rip town

Italy town really isn’t powerful. I suspect that aside from possible powerful moves the mafia team has, they also are very large in numbers

No spilling Italy’s secrets as to why he didn’t die

yeah derps sorry but as i said you are backup stuco option #1

like the 6th man in basketball

alternatively italy

I’m literally incapable of being harmed by town as long as my abilities are hidden.

anyways. Back to watching one piece @ me if ya need me

Reminder to do this

How does one check votecount?

we dont have fancy MU stuff

we gotta do that ourselves lmao

You manually search the thread and count all the votes and unvotes :upside_down_face:

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Not after the Anticlaimer dies?

That’s also why (if anyone can), creating neigborhoods with one of council members would be awsome for information flow.

But with 2 would be pointless.

They can already tlak there, why would they need another neigborhood to do it there.


Count the votes in the thread :crazy_face:

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bully eevee into letting us use their bot


i was doing that but then i fell asleep and no-one continued my volunteer-VC-Bot thing

(It’s just him in disguise)

i really doubt it.

The Shire has been lynched