[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I’m here and it’s not fun coming back to 1000+ posts.
I have multiple notifications I cba to check either.
I don’t want a summary because it’ll be biased.

someone townie not in stuco.

we can decide that later

Emperor’s Thong is quite a bit important for me since it renders me immune to Anti-Claim mechanics.
In other words, I become immune to town killers again.

Give Rehab treasurer, give me Secretary?

Idrc about items.

i was thinking switch it but whatever works

okay then it’s settled.

President: Marshal
Historian: Italy
Treasurer: rehab
Secretarty: eevee

Okay I do town read the two of you but that position in roles seems risky if you get that

I feel rehab might be better for that.

(Since you two are always aligned Marshal/italy)

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it’s a risk but one that is found out pretty easily if either of us are scoom

I do love neighborhoods but up to you

/vote marshal for president

/vote Italy for historian

/vote nuclearrehab for treasurer

/vote eevee for secretart


You know, he has a point, you won’t kill Italy, since you confirmed them somehow.


No always still would like a swap of rehab and Italy of no one objects still both can be in but just seems less risky

I don’t object

italy do you?

I object

ok boomer

He won’t kill me because I was immune to an unstoppable attack, which would only be possible if I couldn’t be killed by town, which is an ability that you obviously wouldn’t be giving to evils.

I propose Obama switch with Marshal and Marshal switch with Italy

i’m fine with being treasurer

/vote marshal for president

/vote Italy for Treasurer

/vote nuclearrehab for Historian

/vote eevee for secretary