[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

no. Mafia share a private chat, but there are town roles that can do that too.


I don’t see the point in outing it D1 honestly much better upon ones death or if you want to spell info out of one person from another since anti claim is a thing


No mafia would be considered masons I think

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No. As it’s a neighborhood and not a masonry it can mean there is mafia in there, but it’s not guaranteed.

neighbourhoods refer specifically to non-wolf private chats

Are you keeping that read or no?

I think that Alive wouldn’t make a random neighborhood
She usually puys masons or neighbourizers
Having a random neighborhood at SoG is bad design

Maybe I’m memeing you’ll never know

Well I can search you the quotes if you wanna. At least I know the ones regarding me. You already got the Arete one.

Kyo was like “Vote me for pres and I’ll vote you tres”
I was like “I’m already Voting you for the sake of chaos”
Kyo: “Have my vote.”

You want quotes?

Why would you claim having a neighbor this early? Wouldn’t it be better to keep it hidden?

I assume you’re not going to answer wallpost ?

Marshal you wanna tell me?

there is a neighborizer. why assume there isn’t?


You claimed neighbors and not neighbourizer

I’m trying to ask questions in a non-agresive manner. And I know you only ask quewstions of me this agressively because you know it annoys me when I’m a wolf and people are implying I’m a wolf baselessly.

It’s a good method and it works, but could you please just stop doing it for a few seconds and realise I’m a damned villager.

I don’t know why you’d want to keep a neighborhood hidden when there is anti-claim.

yeah okay fine me and derps and hja are not neighbors.

some weird derpsian reaction test which i went along with because why not.

So revealing you have a neighborhood early is better?

You could say something in neighborhood and get claimvigged for it.
People wouldn’t know who it come from.