[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Yes, I confirm that something happened SoD…

Lol, people making stuff happen to me all the time

Well i did it cause I trusted ya :stuck_out_tongue:


To be honest, I kinda agree with this. His reasoning for scumreading me is so outlandish and poor that it’s townie

You mean this


I think the reactiontest in question was Derps claiming Italy was claimvig immune, then when pressed saying that he was a town-aligned claimvig

Should not be using that post, that is angleshooting

Ok boomer


I think Squid is likely a mafia angel of some sort but meh

Like guardian angel?


I agree it’s a shitty wagon.

Dat scumread Max pretty early tbf. And I don’t think its that bad of Mercenary to vote the biggest wagon that would save him, he’d do that as either alignment.

If I had to yeet someone on that list it’d be Arete or Nuclear.

It literally is, now follow the rules of the game

I think one or no mafia voted Maxwell, come at me

Mafia Angel? My role has nothing to do with protecting anyone, so either you’re reading the results wrong or you’re flat out bullcrapping

I mean Max was just meh. He was very self-conscious and it looks like my wagon on him was co-opted by scum

@Kai why didn’t you wish for infinite wishes u hoe.

Who is that

We’re not voting Eevee, when they’re part of the scrum debate. Actually you can’t even.

I would definitely now be in favor of executing them. Waiting to see what they’ll say though.

It’s very much a waste, because Marshal could execute them too…