[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

mind elaborating on this?

Someone if not multiple committee members are mafia


I’d agree actually, they’re not that daring as mafia to instantly gladiate. See LOTRFM, where they just dodged accusations instead of confronting them.

I agree

Squid I would love to see you kill me, if you’re mafia I don’t have to care that mafia pushed me.

If you’re town I can laugh at your terrible read

See? Too crappy to be scum. Being blamed because of the others around me and not my own action is full on garbage

Am I allowed to post my read list from last night?

Pilica is like 100% town if Emilia is scum. They "No u"ed way too long for that to be s/s.

just suddenly calling arete and squid scum(fine and all, but there wasn’t much reasoning) and then calling hippo scum as soon as hippo presents the lightest of counterarguments. and then i provide some pushes against them and nuclear goes full meltdown mode. they could not handle it and resorted to calling me lockscum(despite me being mech conf) and then threatening to dayvig me.

just the level of OMGUS and random pushing(despite being on “another level”) is really just so shocking.

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I wonder why mafia don’t strongman a conf town :thinking:

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it’s basic VCA, scum tend to support scum in voting and tacking onto despair meter to power up their abilities would make perfect sense

yea the night kills were actually wack
soul was slanking and PKR didn’t make much sense from what i can pull from his iso

Too bad I am flipping town

If? I thought you said I was a Mafia Angel :thinking:

Slankvig killed soul prolly

yes but not quoted

they bled me EOD yesterday.

it would be weird to kill somebody you bled

oh yea we have that, is it town or mafia aligned
slank vigs tend to align town but i wouldnt put it past alice to have a mafia slank vig

and nuclear is still shading me despite me being


@Nuclear_Rehab look at italy’s flip. their passive activated on me. until you do all points on me are null.

Why didn’t you claim that