[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Who says mafia haven’t tried claimvigging me already?

You have no idea what I have lied about

Shhhhh, no one needs to know

Oh I was wtf

do you like good literature
aka romance novels, romance novels, romance novels and romance novels?

a little

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choose between Sayori/Yuri now

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do you or do you not have info pertaining to somebody’s alignment.

I read that yesterday but frankly I’m incapable of reading eevee and so am ckmmitted to not trying


That’s a copout.

I am rescinding my claim on Squid. I do have a role check which I will use later.

And I asked another question.

If you have a problem with it vote me out

Lemme see


There is only so much mafia that I can vote. :man_shrugging:

Who are you voting rn

I assume merc but maybe I’ll be surprised


Wait fuck, I did the wrong one.

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