[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


I’m confused about the argument you’re trying to make here – like, is this a scumread, or…?

Me and Eevee have to help town with this game or we insta lose

this is shameless buddying

what the fuck

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that or antispew

Arete I am disappointed in you. Do you have any idea who his pfp is?

@Marshal Lynch happens BEFORE council election.

Guys I’m lock mafia! Marshall can’t stop saying it so it must be true

Yeah, and im conflicted cause u bring up good points, that most of their d1 was kinda of just trs out the wazoo but like theres not much there. I would prefer if he had more to work with. But he definately went down the despair list for me. Is he number 1 despair to me rn, no maybe 2. Im getting off feelings on Orange the most atm

oh wait you mean that in the ‘moderately offensive term for trans people’ sense

I was thinking you meant it in a game-related sense

thats alice

well then IDK but i still trust arete.

it might have still been randed.

she is only 1 who realize u can link RR

Holy fuck you look at the Arete votes compared to Eevee and it’s scary how scummy it is

Also I can’t get by the public health system the ones I was supposed to take as a kid since I’m over 14
Also I will check here once a while on mobile

also reminder
for squid claiming the hope list and despair list counters will clear them
2 hope
4 despair


@Marshal i’ll vote limestone if you take out squid

One of them flipped town already.

@eevee how do you feel about nuclear framing everything as “eevee and nuclear vs. the evil oppresive world”


Nope Squid wasn’t Historier at this point

Yeah, thats what needs to be asked to Alice tho.

Cause I dont believe in pentavoters.
Doubling makes more sense but is still not enough on its own.

I assumed someone just blocked me.