[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Do any of you play Pokemon go

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Oh nvm, thank you Arete

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Appeal to emotion.

now you deserve lynch

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I can feel good about finding more mafia than Marshal at least

Let’s race!


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only english

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Well do u feel Meta is bad? Cause right now to me ur meta is a pop fly, it can be either a scum or town alligned thing since u have shown signs of both, its more how u apply urself.

Do u feel u havent played this game to ur best
Do u think people using ur meta against you are wrong?
And whos ur highest srs right now cause this is the time to get those out especially if people have to decide between you and Kai to live

can we also do a no lynch in this type of election cause it might prove better

I’ll remind you that communicating in other languages is forbidden.

It’s kind of sad because I had the goal of being kind in this game and accomplished it d1. I think being called mafia still tilts me too much. I’m so rusty at mafia and have to try and ignore players like that. Sorry

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It isn’t an English word

@everyone else

Cease “no u scum” on Nuclear and since he is not from this forums, he might have a bit different aproach and meta.
Try to judge by theirs actions and not trying to fit them into ours style.

He does look much better if you ignore our site meta when judging him.

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Happens to the best of us.

@Emilia whats your highest sus right now and your highest innocent guy right now?


LOL I am sorry Nuclear didn’t mean to reply to u xP

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Limestone knows my identity, but I think he’s mafia so I can’t even get him to say I’m town for my meta unlucky

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