[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Anyways I’ma pack

Should be in the car for a bit today so be back later

Listen I’m catching up but it’s difficult when you’re at a Tournament at the start of day and it’s past 1 am already ^^’

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Can you dont

no then it’s ruined.

luxy and I are masons

Wow… you literally stole my line. I am hurt o.o

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X to doubt

its a joke boomer

Yeah I can see it, just keep pushing

Can you not make a joke about me being slower or dumb because of my age?

Yeah ok boomer


@eevee @maximusprime

I would rather say they are consistent, if you analyse theirs behavioral.
Theirs psychological profile from day 1 posts easily predicts possibility of day 2 drama.

But still, human behavior is predictable, but as in physical science, accurate prediction hinges on the correctness of underlying theoretical assumptions.

In this particular case it might be more difficult, due to most players not being aware who Nuclear is, nor knowing theirs meta, hence correct assumptions bases mostly on not applying any “meta” template.

Tl;dr - Theirs day 1 pretty much indicated that they are able to create drama like that, so I’m null on the drama itself.

I’d rather not try and come back just to see a meme used to mock older people


are you being sarcastic?

that wasn’t even directed at you and thats not even an insult LMAO it’s a joke and i’m sure merc wasn’t offended


I mean if you don’t want to say it publicly you could message a StuCo member with the bottle and we can share it in our chat to know if you’re confirmed or not.

I’ll consider it.

is that this thing?

I read it as Stu Company every time

I don’t feel old, thank you very much.