[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Okay I’m back from dinner and based on my day action yesterday Solic should have known if he was able to visit

So Insanity or Solic is lying if I understand things right

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Make sense for you doesn’t make sense for me :thinking:

Or Solic

Actually yeah rolecheck solic

You can’t, because I’m town.

That would be good

… Okay, you just want to claim it outright then?


I don’t know that though

So much for ambiguity LOL.

i dont think he ever said he didnt know.

Marshal made me anti-claim immune


I didn’t confirm it either way.

Rolecop in a mash would presumably be full card???

are u sure or u just taking him at his word. Cause i just want to keep ya safe

I’ve never played a game above 30 players. Full card seems only to be on scum.

Okay, so I’ll reveal it then?

I’m taking his word for it but he’s conftown so I don’t think he’d lie about that in particular

I’d already claimed part of my passive anyway

It’s not

p sure they use hope or despair so yes theh are

I’d be claiming it, not you though.