[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

that’s it as well

for the record I scumread him before the douchebaggery.


ok ryoma

i’m gonna defend NR to the grave as i think a lot of the SRs are rather weak and hinge on NAI things

I kind of want to solve some slots that aren’t Rehab’s for a bit, I still think Rehab is scum but I doubt we’ll get anywhere either way with that anytime soon

where ya want to start whos ya srs


I’m a fan of pushing big boys early in the day

squid is a better target for a lynch
VCA from her election+lists is what i’m really not liking

i’m pretty sure i know where one hope point came from as well

speaking of pushing big boys. Whos ur srs other than Solic and NR.

I get the election a bit, what do u mean the lists?

hope is at 2
despair is at 4

i know where one hope cake from and i doubt a perfect list would just give one point

I mean ‘Eevee, the guy I am literally trying to lynch in a scrum debate’ is the obvious one but I remember having bad feelings about all of Hippo/TL/Wisdom yesterday, also Insanity but they should be dying to bleed IIRC

the problem is I can’t actually remember why I scumread TL and Wisdom I just remember them pinging me

Historian didn’t give a point last night as they were formed afterwards and the key word is if they live the day.

also both despair was from the two hope deaths this info is all in Post 1.

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SC neighborhood doesn’t feel like it has wolves in my opinion

…also Eevee was trying to keep her out of SC and I scumread Eevee :eyes:

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TL was a tiny townlean due to them wanting to do an iso on insanity. but it never came around so they kinda null. Wisdom was just weird d1 from memory.

and this boi has me going all over the place. he wont give mke a definitive reason why he scumreads me but he has stated he srs me like 5 times

ugh i think i misunderstood historian

@Alice fuck you but also i love you

overload of mechanics is actually painful


The big thing that was pinging me about Hippo D1 was that it felt like almost all of his pushes yesterday were on classic LHF targets or newbies

obviously LHF get pushed by all alignments but when those are the only people he’s pushing it gives me bad vibes

Can someone give me a summary while I read

i A got a Null from them and don’t know how to mass quote sorry about that.
Also they are poisoned and i completely forgot about that (or atleast there is a claim for them being)