[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

literally nobody
we’re basically just shouting at each other in an abyss

I will say that my reads are a rare thing to see.
I prefer 3 accurate reads over 15 inaccurate reads and 1 accurate read
Quality over quantity.

Okay Mercenary, let me ask you this. Was your early posting lazy?

I mean I provided reason to why your read is bad and you continue dodging answering to it

Easy to say that after it’s called out. :man_shrugging:

actually the more I think about it the less it makes sense for a wolf to post that. Pilica clearly isn’t the sort of person to make that kind of read, as stated before, and the fact that they linked together the chaos in the thread with the question about how many wolves there are in the thread actually feels fairly TMI-free.

I’ll put the pings down to my tendency to wolfread everybody’s personalities

All my posts are being lazy
I still think they have valid points.

Except you need to post hope/despair list in night 1 that has a read on every player. :smile:


I believe Ici is going for scrum tomorrow if nothing changes

Kinda towny vibes because maf would like power.

Claiming they are too busy to Play yet take a side and even admit on reading only someone’s arguments. Gives me a rather bad feeling.

I don’t know why but this gives me some towny vibes.

Meh. Yes those Posts give me a meh feeling.

Rather towny

I don’t like the “according to ici” someone not taking responsibility for themselves?

Why you give up that easy if you’re convinced?


  • Votes Squid because she says her role goes well with it
  • “Historian and Treasurer are stealthy baaad”

Mood and makes me feel better

That I agree on


kinda feels like fishing for a claim… or the claimvig?

@Mercenary and what was the result of the TMI check?

I can get behind that.

Overall… idk it feels just too much like a wild Card that could swing both ways. Idc if we lynch this or gladiate tomorrow. @Solic

Okay, so why are you so ride and die on Ici being town?

because the reasoning why isn’t really clear
my reasoning is that regardless of the reasoning of why the 4 people voted for me, a flashwagon from standing in a fairly non-RVS environment is weird and indicative of something, and my immeidate thought was “there’s a wolf there”

regardless of whether they had reasons, it still holds because wolves are well aware of village reasoning. they’re almost too aware of what the villagers are thinking

Welcome to me how I feel every time I come back to this thread


looks at link
X to doubt

Nvmd scrum debate is random
I thought it was for people with high incidence on.read lists

What do you think of the recent Ici-Pilica interaction?

I like you XD

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would it be bad if i used the idea of gamblers fallacy to townread squid

Oh that’s a great point. That’s like a blatant contradiction.

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