[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

only maxwell that i can tell and he flipped town

I don’t mind. @PoisonedSquid @Marshal

So info is from Squid or am I misunderstanding something?

You misunderstand something

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Heck it I’m just going to say it

A member of our chat, who may or may not be me and notably is not Squid, claims to have used an investigative ability on Eevee yesterday to see what he bought, and received the result that he didn’t buy anything

Eevee claims he bought a 1-shot Voyeur

something doesn’t add up here

The antecedent of ‘you’ is ‘Kai’

Also Arete you shouldn’t damn Squid because of this. We know about her abilities. Maybe there are other reasons. Lemme tell you in SC

…fair point

…does this mean we can farm Hope Counter increases by making everyone talk about them on the theory that this will force the wolves to?

What if… thats why I got no result :thinking:

Time to angry ping Alice, but meanwhile lets assume there was no moderror and no result means no visits.

My question is why would I fake something as provable as voyeur.
Let’s be realistic, one visit means I would be outed.

My answer is… it’s not a lie.

this is fucking busted and i plan to exploit everything about it

i am also naturally immune to anti-claim so there’s that lol

so this is what Kai claimed to me yesterday, still thinking about it tbh

So you need people to say “dreaming god with unlimited wishes is potato” or that you have no abilities?

Or we could just make people say both.

@Nuclear_Rehab can confirm i also told him about my abilities d1 with a bottle

You could have had a scumteam member buy the voyeur, or had some form of natural voyeur ability that you’re pretending came from the store, or some other ability that would tell you you could fake it reasonable (e.g. if you watched her and saw no visits)

The scum motivation for faking it is that ‘I bought a voyeur to use on Squid’ is a super townie sounding thing to do and doing it could get you towncred

look at my first post in my iso, that’s one of the things scum can discuss for us to gain hope

the tailor made feedback from orange was from me and that’s a thing scum can discuss to get hope

i have a third ability which is baking a statue. idfk how it works exactly

Arete tell us who told you this about eevee, because after recent news I can tell eevee at least did do an action

Let me ask if SC chat is okay with me outing the specific person

Kai your role confuses me, the host isn’t going to sift through the whole day. Also if mafia talked about it 20 times, the ability seems game ending.

I dont see it tbh

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Sigh, thats true.

Except you can see when talking to Nuclear yesterday that I was inquiring about them visiting Squid for my plan AND there were cameras on Squid.

Meaning I would be visible on cameras if PkR didnt die.

i’ve given you my best shot at paraphrasing it as it makes no fucking sense to me either for alice to just have this