[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I’ll definitely get back to you if there’s an answer on Alice because this one? I don’t think we can resolve without that.

But another Thing we can: iirc Nuclear claimed you and them have discussed together for the plan on Student Council. How was that possible? Do you have some communication?

Can you stop the shade and look at what Arete quoted to you? Explaining royal blood?

I had more than one

most notably ‘here are all the reasons why your argument makes zero sense, in question form’ and ‘if the result you’re claiming to have is true, then why have you not been playing remotely as if that’s the case’

if you scroll back like 10 posts you can see them

also I hope you realize that you’re not actually helping your case by calling everyone who disagrees with you mafia for no reason

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how is this relevant

it’s literally the same ability as the thing I have

that’s not even the main point, the main point is up further

Eevee is literally disagreeing with me rn

I have him town


I mean my experience is your role is an obvious mafia counter to a town sided mechanic

it’s kind of dumb to argue against that fact

you could be town I guess tho

1,Here is the push,and putting people to scum read IS scum read according i putted eevee to hope list and someone(I forgot) said that was a town read.


3,didn’t you just read me cause i ‘detached from the thread?’

You are Aware that mafia could just pile onto someone and push them into the Student Council most likely? If anything I’d argue it’s a counter to exactly that happening.

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We do not.

I cannot really confirm a single thing nuclear said.

Tbh Nuclear for me is a lot of bullshit which makes no sense from both town nor scum PoV.

If it makes sense from neither, it is just null and should be filtered out.

If you filter out that nullshit, it’s where I start reading them.

Explain your logic on how it’s a counter to that.

Also imagine all mafia doing the same thing and being on a partner. What happens when that dude gets peeked/killed?

Wow then you understand why mafia would never do that

I think I’m just spoiled from playing on other forums. It’s not hard to understand how Aretes role is a great role for mafia.

Alright. Since you didn’t disagree with it the last day I took it as silent agreement. Which was also one of the reason why the check was used in the first place. So given how you look at Nuclear do you still think like last day that they are very likely town? Or are they totally at null now?

I think on this forum I should just vote and kill mafia in the night. You guys only treat me like shit for trying to solve the game and post


That’s years after my push/read
Not really a push
Someone said I made a read so now that’s how we define read

It can be if we all agree on its meaning

Yes ?

I said in next post what I mean by read

I do think they are town, yes.

someahere deep, deep inside

Maybe not all mafia are needed. Also if you can justify it, Maybe 2-3 will be catched that way at most. I doubt anyone would blast a whole wagon. And even if people would try to mafia would go “Well what Kind of mafia would make it that obvious?:tm:

It’s a great role for either alignment. I’m not arguing that it wouldn’t help mafia. I’m arguing that it just as well could be a town ability. Especially since it’s also fully going hand in hand with Arete’s flavor being the ultimate heir.

On a scale from 1 (surface) to 10 (deeeep) how Deep?