[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Everything I say I objective truth

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Everything I say is objective truth

Ah, I see, you’re a wolf. That makes this make a hell of a lot more sense.

/vote Nuclear_rehab for nonstop debate

no but seriously I’ve never seen a post so devoid of village motivation in my life

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Nuclear can u do me a favor plz

U have about like 8 different pieces of mechanical info on like 8 different players. Are some of these fake or should I 100% beleive every bit of mechanical info u have

your message didn’t explain very much.

it was a half claim. mostly whining about how im a major dingus for even daring to call you mafia. the kai eevee thing was interesting but it doesn’t explain the other 600 mechanical claims

he claimed a fucking gunsmith guilty on me
even if I was a miller, most millers don’t make you guilty to gunsmiths
the man’s throwing shit out there to see what sticks

When is EoD?

here’s a little fun section from the message

Just letting you know that calling me mafia ruined my whole plan.

My gut says lhf. But like the amount of mechanical bs he threw out makes me think scum

Ye my plan was to win

Like a day and half iirc

it wasn’t a message from you dingus

Oh ok so we got time

Also did I tell that I am going to die from bleed at EoD either way

I am going to a birthday party so ttyl everyone. @ me for any questions. @KyoDaz I am still weary of you

let’s go with that snarky comment i made earlier about Nuclear being solic from an alternate timeline and assume the two are at least… simmilar, in style and substance.

not identical, but simmilar. Ordinarily calm players with undertones of agression who make reads essentially as a series of questions.

Isn’t that your village meta

Sounds like me lol