[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Well whats ur opinions on Insanity and Orange, they are the bottom of my list atm

And you’re ignoring my request… typical. Nobody usually pays attention to me anyway :frowning:

No idea, I threw around 30 of the people here into a random.org list randomiser.

Didn’t you say you wanted to check me? Asking for a friend.

inb4 this was already asked-

I saw your post, but you said “Can you do my request. I want to know who talked about Kai”

Im on phone and can’t searxh for who talked about Kai

well i want a solid list if u could provide one. Ur in the null zone right now so I want to sort u soon

w h y

I can give you the 7~ people I sorted into Hope List last night and the 2 people I put into Despair.

It doesn’t affect my abilities and I had zero clue.
And I also believe when the odds aren’t in my favor they are.

No, I’m talking about the Ici/Wazza interaction you mentioned. I’m still trying to search through the mention of Kai’s abilities since it’s technically ‘my job’ right now

I would prefer the whole list of everyone alive. There is a null section, but i dont want to see more than 10 in there. U can make solid reads so i want to see them

I just realised how bad that could have turned out.

‘KyoDaz, why did you put X in the despair list?’
‘The randomiser told me to’

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I will gift whoever looks through my ISO and quotes my read on Ici!

Did you ever reply to both me and Dat contradicting you?

I am Talking about the ‘Kai has info on Eevee why eevee is town’. Why didn’t you tell Marshall WHAT Kind of info it is? Especially now with Eeevee in Scrum debate this would be essential. Maybe I worded it bad idk past midnight.

Yes, scroll up


No you did not.

Yeah I did, I was wrong on details because I spent so much time on Ici and not testing my read on you

Generally I can only make solid reads in semi-open/open setups or/and when my psychic powers activates, like in Deux Ex.
They aren’t activating. Due to my lack of reads I tried to contribute by picking out things that I thought would make good discussion. I believe I’ve done that actually, but I’m really disappointed I can’t figure out Arete’s slot through that AI post.
If I give you a readslist it’s not going to do anything DatBird.

Let’s start unvoting me peeps!