[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Which one you mean? I replied to a bunch of stuff during my Catchup.

You did, I just missed it

I was corrected that I was feeling the thread state wrong because of bias. So meh about that argument.

I mean rn you look better than before. Not enough to move my vote but already a start.
First of all a question: Who did you want to check now? Kyo or me? Because your message and thread said differently.

Alright. How would you Interprete the reactions to all your ‘redchecks’ that you’ve posted? Which ones felt towny? Which ones didn’t?

… really…? Didn’t you have any opinions?

How does being wrong on the Details change the read?

Not all of the SC can be mafia and you are all feeling this same echo chamber way of me, it’s more likely just a wrong read coming from town based on that, so If rather check kyo?

Though Ici is my pick rn

It changes because some of those details are important when you are basing timeline on perspective reads

tbf what you sent idk how to interprete it into 4 abilities. A full claim would’ve been more useful to read into you.

Umm I haven’t handed out that many redchecks. Ici was the worst reaction. I though Italy and Kai did well when I tested them day one.

More top than Marshall and Partner? (ngl this sounds like a Company-)

Can you explain to me why Kai is that towny?

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top townread
emphasis on read

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They were calling me town even before any of this pressure. I recation tested Kai and liked the reaction. They trusted me with information, which I guess could be fake.

I liked the fact Kai wasn’t trusting the SC. I don’t think mafia need to distrust the SC, SC is pushing me and I’m town so mafia don’t need to discredit the SC at all because their reads are wrong.

Also an overall game is just similar to what I’m seeing

I see. So that’s why. Why didn’t you at least tell Marshall though with a disclaimer to only tell his Partner in case he dies so you have someone confirmed town to back you up even if one of them die? That would’ve been 3 people knowing, 2 of which being confirmed.

the message was sent before any of the shit with italy went down and even then i didn’t have marshal cleared until italy’s flip

Alright. I guess checking either of them. But like… who did you submit at night as your target?

I didn’t ask for the why it changes but how. Do you see Wazza in a better light now? Or worse?

I chose Kyo last night, but I fucked up and didn’t know using my roleblock on Kyo meant I couldn’t also check someone the same night, the host didn’t word things very good :slight_smile:
