[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

nice misrep

Just kinda tired of reading people who make me want to replace out of the game I’m literally on this site now for

Kill arete and gimme the power

It was sarcasm but ok

i don’t detect sarcasm sorry

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if i were to dunk anyone it would be pilica

if squid dies they die to lynch. and they shouldn’t as their claim reaaaaaaaly leads me to beleive town.

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like i see no world in which squid, who was highly sussed by everyone, claims a certain thing about their rolecard if it isn’t the truth.

It’s worrying the way you believe Squid is town through their rolecard.

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“Lets trust mechanics as town proof in a mash when had that eeeever gone wrong?!?!”

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no its something about their claim

i mean it’s not even that their claimed ability(at least the one im focusing on) is inheretly townsided(and it is).

it’s that it’s -EV for scum to claim to have that and their progression(at least in stuco chat) makes sense as someone with the mechanic squid has


Okay, and I claim to be a Town Suicide Bomber.
That makes me town why?

That’s understandable, but considering it’s in a neighborhood chat us as people cannot rely on that and it may be information they want to conceal specifically and not reveal to the public.
No, I do not disagree Squid is most likely town.
I disagree with the way you read them completely and that things said in neighborhood is almost always unreliable.

you are just being sarcastic.

what squid claims gets them lynched lots of the time. scum don’t claim that unless they want to be lynched specifically and i don’t see that here.


yeah it’s just a lot of that for a good 2 hours

don’t get excited

fucking hell

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That’s exactly the type of information you’d reveal in a neighborhood to attempt to be townread.
Squid has said that information in a neighborhood to avoid being lynched.
That’s exclusively town motivated why?

well they obviously wouldn’t claim it publicly now would they?

they claimed the ability, i think they have the ability, and im waiting for confirmation to say the thing
