[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


they’ve respectfully asked me not to reveal their claim but let it be known i trust it.

Damn that’s definitely what it sounded like

Will I get insta modkilled or banned for posting PM’s or picture in a pm?

I’d like to be around for the response of people who were toxic to me at least

Please do not ruin the integrity of the game.

if you want an apology from me i will give one

for the record, you would be modkilled and blacklisted if that did happen

@PoisonedSquid how is this swap good for town

I’m personally of the opinion that we do not negotiate with terrorists

i just dont want someone to rage PM post. And i’ll apologoze if that’s what it takes

I have been kinda mean to nuclear

I don’t think unjustifiably so

I mean

I come from Flow


And they are still damn near the top of the list of least enjoyable people I have ever played with

This includes multiple permabanned users from several sites

Hell I’d peg them as comparable to James2 levels

@Nuclear_Rehab I am sorry for the way i treated you. I have had kinda a crappy day but that’s no excuse for the way i’ve acted out. I was unfair to you and in the wrong. I know this is too little too late but I would feel bad about myself if i didn’t at least apologize. I was a dick to you and I apologize and i hope that you can maybe understand this.

Hey orange what did you do?

Drag up drama from 12 hours ago just to make yourself feel good?

Just to role me up on purpose?

You must be a good person though

The fact that I have never had to do it before ever in 6 years yet have done it twice in this game should be taken as indicative of my feelings ngl

honestly orange please just take a… 30 minute or so break. This situation isn’t good and i’m not making it better.

I’m not heated at all

Hey orange, should we feel bad for you since you brought all of this up and ruined the game?

I’m not best pals with nuclear but i see where they are coming from and at least a good chunk of anger is justified.

Please drop it orange.

I’m just done with trying to reason through their posts

Why did you quote it all and make it a huge deal?

You publicly screenshot an ignore on me just to prove how big your dick is

The thread gets like 10% shorter without them so this is also better for my ability to keep up while traveling