[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I’m still not seeing it but you do you

@PoisonedSquid so let’s talk about your hippo vote

That’s considering those reads will stand on any ground. Remember, SC presidents are elected because they are towncred or at least believed to be more towny than anyone else. You don’t even need to be very aggressive as SC President, just do some “natural” reads and get a few mafia members on board. Or you can act really neutral. I just find it hard to believe how people don’t suspect such a play won’t be done considering how simple it is to pull off, especially with the amount of time mafia was given to plan out their strategy for this game

Overall I am just trying to show how SC President isn’t naturally an antiscum position. I think it may very well be an antitown position if I am basing it off how you all are evaluating the person in question. Be buddy buddy with a mafia or scum that came off as towny and you are essentially ruined as SC President even if you are town.

Elections were plurality, not majority

And Arete didn’t even have that

I mean i think i fit stuco pres well as conftown.

however currently I wouldn’t pull the trigger on anybody in my stuco so maybe im too much of a scaredy to be here


You’re just not eevee

Hippo seems to be constantly flipping stances around people very quickly, especially on D1 (Like with Hjasik and Rehab)

I leave for 5 seconds and this is what you do?

Yeah, it’s going to get so much worse for you. This has become personal for what you did

But it doesn’t counter the fact that SC President has at least a base that supports him in being town or more towny than anyone else

I’m sorry Squid, I didn’t mean to thro you into this. I am having PTSD, it’s not your fault and hope you don’t take offense.

this actually sad

How is this scummy

@Marshal you should actually feel ashamed of yourself. Immediately shittalking someone once their gone has zero excuses in my book. I hope you come to your senses and see how doing that was wrong. If your gonna shittalk someone do it to their face, and not behind their back like a little bitch.

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I just had some pent up anger i needed to let out.

and i really didn’t want to do it to their face to prevent an escelation of the situation.

I know what i did was a little bitch thing but im not in a great mood

Woe is me.

If you thought you felt bad before…

I just didn’t want the game to get all messed up with a modkill. And i know i did it in a really bitchy way i just didn’t want that to happen.

What happened?

There wasn’t any natural progression behind it and the way he suddenly just changed things around was odd

I kinda shittalked nuke behind their back because i had some pent-up anger and i think they are about to post their PM and get modkilled.

I get what i did was shitty.

I do. i really do. I just have had an awful day of FM and am gonna cause a modkill.