[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I see I missed that entirely

cool feelsbadman

Had a cool transition I wanted to do from solic’s case into my wisdom read

still may as well do it assuming people want me to defend against it or nah?

might be other scum in the people who followed it blindly since most of it was disprovable but shrug

Thanks, will bookmark

Could u explain why Solics case was bad in more detail it be appreciated

Do we know did solic die to a kill or because he tried to be masons with a scum

By the logic of his conversations day 2 it is widely beleived except by like Kyo that he was nightkill

He makes love.

Because the next logical step from one of two people infighting flipping wolf is that the other is more likely town and the thing about me being a claimvig was out of nowhere.

Add that on to you not being able to show me the flip and everyone else going quiet and walla(?) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Right on gimme a sec cause quoting stuff here is hard

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How do you quote cases?

Just highlight everything or?

Yeah and then press quote button

Note that I play from mobile

Highlight the words that you want to quote and hit “quote”

Including my quotes or do everything seperate?

I’m not sure what this is asking

Idk what u mean but anything u highlight and press the quote button should work including another quote

Do I have permission to stop looking for these posts?.. I really need to sleep

[Spoiler][quote=“Solic, post:6654, topic:79527”]

Let’s get it.

Finished homework for the weekend and working on catching up (as much as is reasonable, probably not reading everything)

Anyone complaints can be forwarded to my secretary:

Who is /Vote Ryast for secretary by the way.

Vote on a zero-poster (still btw)


If any players are considered polarised I’d be interested in who they were and who have good reads on said players ect. Would be cool to look them over even without meta and stuff.

“Going to read”



Wish I followed through with my early case on you rather than immedietly dismissing it for gut town last game haha

Would have looked a lot cooler :stuck_out_tongue:



Just scrolling up a bit I want to say derps seems more freeflowing and engaged than last game so maybe a good look.

Will probs do an iso and stuff for a more concrete read after doing a bit of earlygame reading if someone can remind me

hedgey townread


Hello, convince me you’re a bad lynch gogogo

starting to engage…


Who is this about?

Which post?


How do you full quote things here btw?


Highlight the post and a quote button pops up

oooo cool


I have been confirmed to have killing abilities
I have been confirmed to be bleed capable
I have been confirmed to be immune to strongman dayvigs
I’m SURE alice has learned since the…ahemm…incident of 53

Reasonable, just since I just got here: how were these confirmed?

Who did you use killing action on (if applicable, ignore if confirmed through other means)


I’ve been confirmed by a daycheck that checks if you have killing abilities.
Insanity has claimed my bleed.
Marshal strongman dayvig desperado’d me, but coin landed on the right side, and he didn’t implode instantly (it was a 50/50 dayvig or desperado)

Oh, don’t think having access to a killing action is really clearing in that case but would probably make you a bad lynch candidate until you have an opportunity to prove yourself.

Third one sounds more likely to be clearing though. Just double checking; this means he used a desperado on you and didn’t die from it because of a coinflip on whether he dies if he targets town?

Okay, I guess that’s it. Totally believable. :man_shrugging:


I can’t wait for Limestone to figure out that I red checked him

How about I counter your red check with an offer to be masons?

“Let me pocket you”


Locking in my sirderps read, think them talking about how people reacted to things they did and maintaining engagement in ongoing discussions is already a lot townier than they were in the last game where they sat back and just had a few easy to make reads and tunneled a few ideas and teammates.

Followup is decent at least.


How’s it going TL XD

Any strong reads so far this game?

Okay, interaction with TWL


wait no me I need more mason chats

lol I’m down


Lime were you lying about a mason chat

There is no mason chat sorry

I meant in thread masons

Sorry for the confusion :frowning:

This feels so pockety ugh.



Helllllllo Lime, how are you

How’s it going eevee

Who are the top suspects

Obvious town ect

I’m wondering how many people he’s going to ask for their reads instead of making his own.


These town or wolves

Probably should have clarified in my question

Probably guessing town from the little I’ve read activity wise so far

Oh they townread even more people


How does one check votecount?

Wants to gauge threadstate I guess.


Top town is rest of my scumteam.
Top suspects… we think we will try to misslynch Kyo rn.

And I’m bored and thinking what game to play today.

Some of you may have missed it because it can be hard to notice with untrained eyes but being the expert that I am I noticed eevee actually claimed wolf in this post :open_mouth:


Shush Lime, don’t inform scum you are hunting them.

Just do a fancy CFD with little to no reasoning and reap all the credit :^)

Ahhh I see you know me well

Oh apparently, eevee was “scumhunting” me. :thinking:


I remember universal was a newer player from signups

Was that just to this site or to mafia in general?


Wait a second

@Limestone and @Universal aren’t same same person?

Can confirm I’m not universal.

I’m from mafiauniverse and dailymafia


mafia in general

game 1 on this site they were tricked into claiming mafia as town.

If so they’re coming off really competent and stuff.

Would say it would be hard for a newer player to keep this up assuming they aren’t lying about being new (Not accusing them of this, just noting it)

Oh look another townread.


Oh yeah people still haven’t given me a list of suspects to look into

Little I’ve read early game not giving me too much to go on since it’s mostly chatter about student council and stuff and not great at finding wolves in real time.

besides eevee but they requested I wait until eod for my inevitable cfd on them

It seems you’re not finding many suspects yourself so far by yourself. Looking for others to blame as main pusher? :eyes:


I already explained my reasoning as to be being this confident and competent. I have more time than usual. To give you an idea for my schedule: I take 7 classes a day, all honors/AP. After school, depending on the day, I am either with my Robotics team, debate team, hack club, engineering society, biotech club, or research club. Usually 2 in a single day after rotating. On Saturdays I am away at University as a TA and teach students Python coding. Very soon I will be away doing research at a University on biology.

#NonHumbleBrag XD

But also nice, hope that goes well!

I guess being nice is a thing, but it’s still pockety.


Reminding self to go back and check the Italy stuff surrounding desperado

But from sounds of it they are greenpeeked by marshall because of that unless I’m mistaken?

Will read emilia

I do like that they would go back for that, let’s see if they did.


Want to say emilia seems okay once they start pressuring people and stuff.

Conviction seems genuine-ish without staying into the territory of starting from a position of knowing wolf and working facts in from there or just putting logic into a stance.

Looks like they’re trying to get stuff out of what they were doing if that makes sense.

Early stuff comes off as meming though I guess it’s odd they’re meming in a serious way :sweat_smile:

Is there actually a meta they were referencing or nah? Couldn’t find it in thei posts.

“Have another townread”


Guess that fits what you were responding to :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the case on them?


either I haven’t been running into many wolves or I’m misreading people because I’ve been mostly finding stuff towny so far :confused:

Hmm… progression on point. Self awareness though.


was expecting nuclear to interact with me more after claiming a definitely legit red check


Nuclear also chainsawed me for pushing on Maxwell so it made me think they are a possible scumteam.

Then nuclear went and said Maxwell was scum and I was like ‘what?’


So apparently Nuclear is a scumread…?



Now have a read I’m looking at as a potential wolf (hype)

Original thought when reading through early thread was that his townread on PoisonedSquid seemed premature since it was based on them being more active than they usually are when wolfing:


I’d townlean it somewhat considering I’d see Squid more as a lurker type scum.

Which I found sort of a weird with ps having only posted twice at that point and neither post seemed super difficult for a lurker wolf to make:

Mine was premature, but every other person that did the same was not… I smell cherrypicking. I already responded to this ISO, but they haven’t replied yet.


Tldr Scumlean with hesitations (engagement/pressure has decent conviction which I usually read towny) that I’m ignoring for now.

Conclusion is still super hedgey.


/vote solic :slight_smile:


Curious what’s the meta on solic?

Does he struggle with activity at all as a wolf?


Why’d that not have quote I was responding too?

I like some followup at least.


can we agree Solic is just shading whoever he can excuse it

Would say yes apart from townread on ps didnt give too many townreads early and stuff.

Dont think that alone is super scummy since theres a case to be made about pressuring people to make stuff happen but yeh balance is usually more natural for stronger players which I’m under the impression he is.

Your balance is equally off foot. Hypocrites are rarely town is my philosophy. :wink:


Please analyze his arguments/reads and not his tone. @limestone

I believe I did? Though if you’re asking me to read the context for every push that’s not really how I make reads XD


Anyway I townread Limestone for this even if some reasoning for the reads imo are a bit wonky
Insanity had a very different position
Limestone isn’t pushing agenda as they have a more why playstyle

Hell yeah

I’ve found my real mason. Nuclear and Derps failed to accept in time and now missed their opportunity XD

“Have another townread”


Any lower engagement players y’all think have wolf equity?

Would be curious to read some of them. Think I’ve mostly seen people who’ve been hyper engaged and stuff.

A quote from them so I can look into them would help.

“Let me find someone that someone else already scumreads, so I could blame them for it if it goes wrong”


SirDerps is flying a lot under the radar

I actually really liked them. One of the first people I ran into when I entered the thread.

Just played a game where they were wolf on another site and their engagement was a lot worse.

Still townread.


Finding orange’s realtime engagement towny so far. Feels like he’s poking around at people not being looked at in a way that gets more conversation started and stuff.

Definitely helped that he gave my case the thumbs up :laughing:


/vote Limestone

They are not scumhunting, they are skating by by calling everyone they engage with town, except a singular target, so they still appear to be scumhunting. They townread 9 players and have a hedgey scumread on me in their total ISO.


Have an OMGUS. :wink:

[quote=“Solic, post:6654, topic:79527, full:true”]

Vote on a zero-poster (still btw)

“Going to read”


hedgey townread

starting to engage…

Okay, I guess that’s it. Totally believable. :man_shrugging:

“Let me pocket you”

Followup is decent at least.

Okay, interaction with TWL

This feels so pockety ugh.

I’m wondering how many people he’s going to ask for their reads instead of making his own.

Oh they townread even more people

Wants to gauge threadstate I guess.

Oh apparently, eevee was “scumhunting” me. :thinking:

Oh look another townread.

It seems you’re not finding many suspects yourself so far by yourself. Looking for others to blame as main pusher? :eyes:

I guess being nice is a thing, but it’s still pockety.

I do like that they would go back for that, let’s see if they did.

“Have another townread”

Hmm… progression on point. Self awareness though.

So apparently Nuclear is a scumread…?

Mine was premature, but every other person that did the same was not… I smell cherrypicking. I already responded to this ISO, but they haven’t replied yet.

Conclusion is still super hedgey.

I like some followup at least.

Your balance is equally off foot. Hypocrites are rarely town is my philosophy. :wink:

“Have another townread”

“Let me find someone that someone else already scumreads, so I could blame them for it if it goes wrong”

Still townread.


/vote Limestone

They are not scumhunting, they are skating by by calling everyone they engage with town, except a singular target, so they still appear to be scumhunting. They townread 9 players and have a hedgey scumread on me in their total ISO.


Have an OMGUS. :wink:


oh boy

I’m not sure what you did wrong here but it’s definitely something :upside_down_face: