[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

No one is engaging with this read and it makes me nervous

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I can’t think anymore, how can I even read it properly?


On mu there’s an option to multi-iso anyone and make reads that way.

That’s not an option here and considering I dont know most of the players here, I’d think having other people give me thoughts would be especially helpful.

One of the reasons I didnt like this was it assumed a future action of me blaming people if reads are wrong with me having actually done it.

Oh fuck… Derps claimed to have a town claimvig…. Well…

He later said that was a reactiontest

Also Derps is confirmed

yes he is my mason

Squid, go to sleep

the thread will still be here in the morning

we roleplay lewd TOL scenarions constantly in our chat

Well that’s one point for limestone XD

How so?

Im confirmed town via italy’s flip(their passive activated on me, whole long story) and derps is my mason

He’s Masons with Marshal who is confirmed by Italy’s flip

Anyway he called multiple things hedges that werent hedges, pushed on me for doing things that were either explained in other posts, and inferring things that shouldnt be inferred from the posts quoted.

Gonna move on to other reads unless anyone has sections they want me to talk about or something.

Right I remember that

Can you elaborate on this? Who do you think is scum and pushing you?

Hes said multiple times it’s a neighborhood and not a mason. Dont see how that is a confirm but that’s just me

They’re Masons but for reasons I don’t think Marshal wants to go into it’s a neighborhood

but according to Marshal who is conftown they are confirmed to each other as town

But u see why I’m a little like weary on it. Like a masonry means no opposite allignment a neighborhood doesnt. Like yeah we have his word but without the knowledge of the specifics I’mma have my doubts especially with Derps reads that like completely differ from mine

i know for a fact he is town and he knows for a fact i am town, mechanically.

our chat counts as a neighborhood for reasons which student council can back up.


:man_shrugging: I would love to know why but since I didnt get sc cause I really didnt try guess I wont

I really wish my new mechanical questions got answered so the one lynch I’m itching for can be pushed or not