[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

oh look, another push who I actually have, because i’m not the fucking one-dimensional wolf that mr. simplistic over there thinks I am

i’m not bitter

Is it 10163

Would you mind informing the class what Kyo has done recently that is readable from your perspective

11037 is dead already

Read my ISO.

No actually



Fuck me I want to sr that on principle

That’s 1 example of detached from thread flow

nice,you’ve found another one!

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Okay are you townreading them or scumreading them

I’ve been scumreading them from the start of this day

But, to answer your question, Kyo is a wolf because his view of Solic is fucked up in many different directions and requires TMI to actually make sense. I think the sheer stupidty and lack of village mtoivation throughout that whole thing overrides the villageriness of a few of his responses.

Good we still disagree

I had actually assumed your “they’re detached” was a defense of them being town

After all, scum would normally check chat before hopping in

The thread of is literally shaking from how smart I am rn

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In addition, the guy’s done literally nothing to advance the gamestate
so I mean

It’s something scum does from my experience

And in mine it’s really not all that AI

I know 2 things, Kyo is neither a killing nor Investigating role

So his role if mafia, doesn’t seem powerful

But given their immense change from D1 in a way that feels really positively-motivated I’m inclined to shift my read to town