[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I don’t think Eevee is living, literally the people voting him scum are afk


/vote Luxy

Luxy didnt interact or express opinion on me rather than “they are scumlean, whatever”.

They would actually try to fogure me out as town.

luxy is on a cruise


Luxy’s on vacation with no internet access

May I remind the class that I’ve been bringing up KyoDaz’s general uselessness and wolfiness for the past 6 hours, and literally nobody’s talking about them?

Seriously, can people just look at his ISO?

Isn’t that a reason to kill him at some point?


I feel like that’s just his personality

I still think Orange is lock mafia for saying I am lock mafia but not wanting to advocate for people to kill me

That’s what slank vigs are for

Yeah let’s not vote mafia, good good

Its snowing here :smiley:

Who is Liberal’s teammate that I can get lynched

I am gonna specify something my evidence has a percentage of error.

(Not gonna specify exactly to avoid claim vig but it’s not gurentied)

Doesnt really explain not even trying to understand player they judge.

Or even interact.

The one thing I can say about Kyo is that even when he’s being stupid, he’s trying to resolve things. Look, here’s the thing. An adage from somebody from the old ways of MafiaScum is “Wolves thrive in possibilities, villagers thrive in probabilities”.

Even when pushing an insane idea, it’s an idea kyo believes in. he thinks it’s probable, he thinks it’s true. May I remind you he started a huge argument with me over the mere possibility of Solic using his masoniser ability, or any of the other insane things he posits. He gave up on the probability very quickly, and merely argued possibilities.

Add to that how incongrous his reasoning us, and you’re left with the sinking realisation that he’s a wolf who’s just saying things for the sake of saying them.

Do search “@Luxy eevee”

That’s bullshit aproach for someoene you have to judge.

Thoughts on the possibility of TL/Wisdom as W/W? TL’s been agreeing with me that Wisdom is wolfy but as far as I remember hasn’t actually voted then at any point.

I don’t have a read on Wisdom, but that is TL’s entire game. Sideline agreeing, not doing a thing

Kyo fucking Daz

now that i’m actually thinking straight it’s obvious

my super secret way of reading luxy says no