[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

To be clear I’m suggesting a minimum WORD count of 500 words not a minimum POST count of 500 words

The distinction is important


You think you can do 500 words in 10 minutes?

okay well 200 words in this case
and if you only can play 10 mins a day just don’t play.

I obviously have more time than that.
I was taking your example.

No hes making the point of if u use all those ten minutes a day that are breaks, I can play just fine. Getting 40 to 100 words per those ten minutes and boom ur done after like 5 of those

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Assuming you have something to contribute.

there is always something to contribute.

ask questions

push people

defend people

figure out the game

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For reference:
Alice started this game at 10:22 AM my time

This post in my Iso is where I hit 200 words, 20 minutes after SoD1

This one is where I hit 300 words (38 minutes after SoD1)

This is where I hit 500 words (52 minutes after SoD1)

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If you don’t have anything to contribute, then why are you playing? (This isn’t a rhetorical question)


also does anyone wanna do the 9p tree stump arson on MU with me?

im afraid of the nerds over there

Am I expected to have mechanical information d0?

heck yes

It’s a Mountainous set-up

There is no mechanical information

do it nerd

starts on the 9th if that’s relevant to you

This post would technically not be sufficient to meet a 500-word minimum post count, because it is 499 words rather than 500

for those looking for a reference point

never mind I have finals

This is a Danganronpa setup.

The set-up which I am proposing to run is a Mountainous set-up, a set-up with no mechanical information


I have them the week after(but only monday and teusday of that week because only 5/7 of my classes have them and i’m taking one of mine early

Also just because a set-up doesn’t have mechanics doesn’t mean it’s impossible to contribute without mechanics