[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Basically: If I survived enough to get the ET, scum would’ve been fucked

Zork from MU has put some interesting anti-claim mechanics in their open set-ups

in particular, you don’t need a link or anything, but if you get their claim wrong you die

I was
“Pilica cant be bad”
Then D2 hit and im like
Its lackluster content.

claimvigs are kind of okay when you aren’t being cornered into it, but “DON’T CLAIM THIS OR YOU’RE GONNA GET PENALIZED BY THE HOST” is obviously a problem

I mean your passive would’ve been kind of broken without that caveat

not my problem that she decided it would also give me a dayvig :eyes:

she told me i’d lose the passive if i claimed it, and there was an item that completely halted anti-claim mechanics
loophole spotted

basically, alice never claimed it’d only stop the claimvig, which created a big loophole where “if italy gains 150 coins, he becomes unstoppable”

aaaaand this is why you died D1

also, like, we had unlimited strongman kills while Magnus was alive

Maggie was scum?


I fucking knew it

Let me guess, he had a dayvig kamikaze too

Kyo posted all the class cards in dead chat

The suicide bomber was Chiang and it only worked if the Despair Counter was 22+

And an arsonist?
I never bothered to read them

There wasn’t an arsonist

Scum was in fact less mechanically powerful than in LT

Did he ever post in ur scumchats?

He posted 9 times in the forum DM and 21 times in Discord

what? so a suicidebomber/dayarsonist/bleeder/fakebleeder/strongmanner was OP?

oh come on