[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

You entered the thread with a defence of yourself when no one had talked about you

i mean yeah, like i said i wasn’t going to have time to backread whatsoever and i just wanted to clarify that was NAI for me when i was rly busy with school
Ironically my attempt to defend myself against getting LHF’d because of inactivity again just got me LHF’d yet again in it of itself

You were both easy to mislynch and not obviously LHF

Obviously we were going to mislynch you

what are we going to do, not try to mislynch villagers?

i mean it was optimal
i was just commenting on how brutally a not entirely obvious LHF can get smothered
It’s been a long while since that’s happened to me, and usually i’m able to worm myself out of such situations but it didn’t work here

it’s hard to remember the last time i got mislynched
usually i live for a long time because people don’t think im that powerful

im a lhf but nobody acknowledges it because i hyperpost


i’ve observed many other people get mislynched that i felt i could have prevented had i tried harder but didn’t and i’ve regretted that a lot
But i actually don’t ever remember getting mislynched before

my first time being lynched was sfol55

i had played like 10 games before that

I’ve been correctly lynched a few times but I’ve only been mislynched once

Marshal do you admit about lying that you have a secret way to read me?

no it’s true.

it just failed me.(partly because I didn’t use it right, partly because it’s mostly BS)

actually the secret way woulda given me town anyways

so it is broken, never to be used again

What was it then?

I told you in scum chat :eyes:

I know but I want to know if hes bullshitting or not

it’s fully true
but it’s a closely guarded secret which must never be shared publicly

hahahahahahahahaha be being able to clutch as town with my reads

u were uber clutch in marson

clutch implies the game was close
it was not

if you want clutch kai see fol 11