[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

This post looks horrible

How is secretary the safest position for a potential scum?

Also,how to make profile public?

Meta Em v

I am town and want to be elected for the counsel. I will do what I can for town and will promise that I will be active and trying my best!

I know most of you don’t know me so my chances are low, but I hope you guys can find me towny and we win!

I am high rn

This comment

(Name): KyoDaz

(What are you stepping for): Power (President)

(Why you are steeping for that place): Power

This post is so LAMIST it hurts

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I think I just mindmelded with Geyde

Do this

Here is a format of electing to become one of the student council’s members.


(What are you stepping for):

(Why you are steeping for that place):


What are the economic policies that Kyo is looking to implement?

This post in particular ping me as pocketing, she is trying to discredit Solic using Ici help

Personally I will just let’s Ici defend himself but you do you. But with how she is trying to pocket Ici I will say this is white knighting

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Except people don’t get money and it isn’t shared.
I do.

Also how is secretary the safest position for a potential scum?

/vote Kyo

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Hey Shurian!

I have a background in heavy mechanics, so I think my best role would be treasury. I also have some ideas on what town should be using in the market, and in a couple hours after some more thinking I will tell them.

Ici v

Oh wait,add this in the end of your sentence.

(I am in collusion with Russia)