[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

also does anyone wanna do the 9p tree stump arson on MU with me?

im afraid of the nerds over there

Am I expected to have mechanical information d0?

heck yes

It’s a Mountainous set-up

There is no mechanical information

do it nerd

starts on the 9th if that’s relevant to you

This post would technically not be sufficient to meet a 500-word minimum post count, because it is 499 words rather than 500

for those looking for a reference point

never mind I have finals

This is a Danganronpa setup.

The set-up which I am proposing to run is a Mountainous set-up, a set-up with no mechanical information


I have them the week after(but only monday and teusday of that week because only 5/7 of my classes have them and i’m taking one of mine early

Also just because a set-up doesn’t have mechanics doesn’t mean it’s impossible to contribute without mechanics


I would play that


yeah magnus you did good in black flag which was mechanicless

Is it possible to contribute without reading?

technically yes but it wont be effective

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not very well

Only because i convinced htm i was Town.

I will WotM out any players whom I expect not to read the thread

Like, I get people having trouble keeping up in a game like this one where there are 10,000+ posts by EoD2, but in general reading the thread is the absolute minimum a player should be doing in the game

if you aren’t willing to do that much then why are you even playing


Consult stuff like that with mods.
I had backup host ready to takeover the game.

It was visible you are unable to host it, so I arranged someone who could finish it.