[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Going to need some more of those… reasons

you were my inspiration kyo

i did it because of your survivor stuff


Is This A Scumslip

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Spiceeee yasssss

not a scumslip. Just what some people were doing.

I was aware it sounded vaguely scumslippy but it made my meme better so i dont care

/vote KyoDaz for Student Council President

All this role does is give association if the person inside of it is scum, so it’s an anti-scum position, so townread me for being it.

I am locktown

Denied, doesn’t work anymore.


Prove it doesn’t

Arete I lowkey would like to see a plan on how you decide who to ban from using the shop?



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It has worked since begging and still works and will work till the end

I don’t trust you with KP given what you did with it last time

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

That’s an expection


Discobot is banned from FM.

Proveable RNG ruins some aspects.