[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Oh god… Oh god…

This sudden switch with no setup… HNGGGHHH

Did I just sandwich a suicide bomber orrr…?


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While yes, a good portion of the points aren’t specific to just to the SC President position, it was an argument over whether Kyo’s description of the SC President was true. Which I said it isn’t because of the amount of power an SC position has along with the influence.

If you can point me to any town game I haven’t constantly been unconfident on my reads and flipflopped then you can kill me, that’s such a weak point.

I’ve prolly switched vote this game twice as much as the next guy, it’s just what i do.

Also I did address Kyo’s points directly. If there was any real points aside from “We’ll know from association”. Which obviously we can’t since SC President will be REALLY careful about choosing sides and may very well be neutral.
SC President may not even be looked at as critical anyway. For example, the ones who have received the most criticism from actions done by the SC so far has been the secretary and historian. (Unless Arete isn’t secretary in that case sorry xP).

Okay we lynch this today

I’ve reduced the POE to Squid/Marshall/Pilica/Arete.

Viva le revolution.

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“Guys, I’m a mafia member but I don’t know who the other members are. Answer me in code.”

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Emilia is bloody gladiated she is literally 100% dying can we just move on from her lol


@orangeandblack5 Please give me feedback on the statements I made. I just want to know if you still believe anything may be wrong

I literally have her posts ignored, I need to go out of my way to see them

So yes

Catching up, will get back to you when I do



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Why would we ignore this this is a very important point


Arete you secretary or treasurer?

Because honestly I could see eevee claiming the purchase to dodge claimvig