[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I don’t know what is going on anymore

Hey Boss, lets just go cookie thread


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Honestly I’m inclined to keep this open until the 16th just for game purposes

By this you mean posting in this thread? I can do that

I woulda done the same thing as LT
Push with “scum Marsh” and get you lynched
Luckily Vul and Hail weren’t online for that

Isn’t this open tho?

thank you

How did mechanics show at scum me wut

It will lock after 10 min of nopost


Wait, you need to keep talking every 10 minutes or else the thread will explode?


Not u. But the thing was you werent giving any info. Magnus was. Magnus had mech conf. You didnt


Me and geyde trying to get last post

Sup y’all?

Sup PKR hows your day

No you can be scum mage wut