[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Retract point about doublevoter
Add no doublevote vendor instead

Pregame setup reads:
Imma be on student Council

Tbh you likely will if you rand villa.

Town only has access to decently restricted kp

@Alice is it weightened in any way? or do all people in someone’s list weight the same?

I predict that this game would be one-sided wolf win.

I predict Ill die N2

I predict 3 backups won’t be enough.

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Actually if this means I don’t need to bother with council D1:

/backup N1+ @Alice

When are we getting cards

Ah, whatever, I’ll


Will be villager rand, but reads will suck, villa will afk their actions, wolves will control thread and crush mechanically.


Don’t be so sure.
#PKRforStudentCouncilTreasurer fyi
Treasurer and Historian are both acceptable as well.
President’s a lot of pressure… but I could do it if people want. But I doubt they would.

We have enough town autoclears to fill up a 7p turbo during the game

As long as scum aren’t as busted as Drakengard mash on MU, it should be fairly even

Who will be all too happy to be tricked to mislynch each other.

There aren’t going to be lul mechanics situations like in Academy

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if I roll wolf with Magnus I’m going to gladiate him D2 to continue MathBlade’s legacy give myself credibility
trust tell

Nah be my vice president PKR
Dat PKR 2019


If I roll Town I will go apeshit d1 and solve the game
Trust tell

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So if he doesnt solve game hes scum got it