[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

@Alice know how this ends

This is why I’m not voting you for President

Arete was executed! They were:


I said the first read was reaction test

I have a proposition:

I promise to kill someone within 5 minutes of me being online as Student Council President if you elect me.

Vote me for president. I will install a guide+ only dictatorship

Kyo now is going to be insanely hard to read exclusively off of the notion that literally everything they are going to be doing is pushing agenda to become president


I think we’re the only Guides+ in the game

i picture Kyo posting exclusively self-made propaganda posters and townreading all players who want to elect him


Then we’ll just be multiple roles

Forceroll Kyo 3p with wincon to become president

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That’s exactly what I’m going to do
I’ve said in Looming Threat I faketownread scum if they help me gain power

this is the kind of stuff that makes you fun to play with

I tried to faketownread who I thought the LW was to help me in the wagon against Marshal
It didn’t work out

Vote kyo to SC and make me president. I’ll instant kill him

You win by becoming President and publicly executing a member of the Town.

Don’t worry tho i’l Still find a reason to believe that meta still works for you to townread me

I was planning on doing that.
One second.

If I don’t become president, i’ll burn down the school


Backup claimvig / something else
Strongman role
Wolf kp
Disruption effect
Ultra money role

Above will be guaranteed to exist

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