[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

By the way, this game seems likely to be long. For this reason I suggest that we start trying to find a wolf

I think you mean strongman arsonist dayvig bypass everythi-

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Hmmm… this seems vaguely like signaling, can’t quite put my finger on why though :thinking:

single-target medium with lie detector
public doublevoter

I don’t think there will ever be a suicide bomber based off of the lynch mechanics

why am I softing Lost Wolf when I can get read as LW just by posting a readlist

Okay guys, my towncore is Astand, Merc, and Shurian

Also Geydexy’s read on Priestess seems kind of scummy

:thinking: What could it possibly be?

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Scum will have an investigative and copious lynch manipulation
Possibly a doctor as well

Scum have 1-2 roles that will center around the despair counter

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callback to the time I got scumread for fakeclaiming lost wolf in lt but hippo didn’t get scumread for doing the same thing in lotr


Personally I’m feeling rather


in this long thread
Where did all the



How am I not there

your wolf meta is that your otne is obviously in wolf meta but nobody notices for some reason

Yeah, I’m feeling the same way. Arete obvtown tbh.

the scumteam will have omega actions that can completely reshape the game if used correctly


Because it’s a joke about me putting three wolves in the towncore and mis-scumreading a town slot for a correct scumread on a wolf

They’ll probably get a janitor ability.

Town will have exactly this role
Anyone can fight me on this

Character name

Town Jack of all Doctors

Every night you may choose to protect 2 players from one type of kill (your choice)
Once during the game you may choose to protect a player from all forms of kills

My Omega Action lets me convince everyone I’m towncore off a cleaned flip