[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

All I do is execute anyone who suggests treason

Looming Threat

This one. Well, unless it was correct.

I never princehunted
I was fakeclaiming Justicar

no but seriously
orange’s meta is really obvious if you know the signs
it’s mostly a tonal thing

You were making noises publicly about thinking you knew who the Prince was and I thought you’d keep that to scumchat if you were scum

The patriotic influence of the Crown will purge all who oppose it.

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I actually don’t think reading alice is too hard after playing with them as scum

look don’t bother with all this meta stuff
just read the wagons on D4 and realise how painfully obvious the wolves are

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If you were Justi softing I missed it


>Next post directly after that


is that why you kept telling me not to make comments about who I thought wasn’t Justiciar

Is it like manti

l l
Says they care about the game. Does care Says they care about the game. Doesn’t care
Says they don’t care about the game. Does Says they don’t care about the game. Doesn’t care
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I felt like writing that out more than actually asking

This is even more reason not to want you as president. :stuck_out_tongue:

no my living meme status hasn’t reached Manti levels

Ici’s insanely obvious if they’re a wolf
All you need to do is VCA on d2

How do I catch Ici-in-particular with VCA

don’t even bother doing that
just see if I sound like i’m enjoying myself

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thank goodness i only have a 25% chance of randing wolf every game