[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Hey, I mean, everyone makes mistakes

Remember when Alice Eagle Shot the Prince on N1?

I mean
Priestess was p scummy

I don’t remember that

She was obviously softing Prince

hindsight bias

FoL 22

She got redirected, so it didn’t actually matter, but

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I figured out overnight that she was softing Prince

So no

I’m chalking it up more to conf bias from Alice’s side

Trust me I was annoyed by it.

You hopeless idiot… you’ll never achieve what you want.

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Take it as a compliment. Out of all the players in the game to get a free strongman on, we chose you.


And I didn’t even claim the Kai vig. :upside_down_face:

(I think I didn’t. Hazy memory)

Nope! You were just (a) obviously town even to the townies and (b) right about most of the wolf team.

@Luxy just touched down in Brisbane

You have two hours to hightail it to the airport before I’m out again :laughing:

Honestly, my general handling of your death was the most overtly wolfy thing I did all game.

If we had just chosen Bree night 1, I wonder how that game would have gone down.

You’d have shot Vul, his survival would basically have been a redcheck, he’d have been lynched, and you would promptly have found yourself in Mafia chat.

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Nah I wouldn’t have shot on a night where vigs fail. That was Bree right? I feel like I would want to lynch you or Set then.

Bree made kills on the opposite alignment fail.