[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

We thought Vul was probably not a wolf

Also, at the point when the earlier announcements were made, several other wolves were still alive, for whom it would be more in-character to mess around like that

I wish I could roll NK two times in a row lol.

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Here is my classcard from SFoL 54:

I requested Sigurd as my flavour who is my favourite character in all of media.
As both NK and one of the two Kings, with an imperial chat ability, I thought I had a decent chance and was sad this game was canned lmao


Yeah, I know, I was Co-hosting.

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Anyways I told myself like an hour ago that I was going to sleep, I should probably actually do that

See you all in the morning, remember to vote me for Student Council Treasurer

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I was able to add multiple numbers in my head

clearly I am the best choice

Due to IRL issues coming up again I may need to delay this game at least a few more days to make sure everything is ready and I can fully host it. Yes, it sucks that it was long-awaited and there’s still a delay, but I had a car accident yesterday and I need to get everything in order there ASAP before focusing on FM.


Ironically I will miss SoD due to being on a flight I think


Also its all good Alice, IRL > FM


@Geyde or someone should host a low power setup while everyone waits

Did you mean a new FoL game
I can do that


Definetly archeage.


Didn’t know playing archeage sorts car accidents :^)


Maybe she had a car accident in Archeage :upside_down_face:

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Fuck, that makes sense. You can destroy vechicles there.

Wtf did u do

Did you seriously buy another switch just to post this?

No I had one Blue and one red before last night. And now this happened

Alright, guess I should buy two switches aswell and join this switch cult.