[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

what’s the point
in a few years we’ll be calling socks soup, playing hearthstone with yu-gi-oh cards, and shooting PoEd players then calling them hero shots
first the joycons
then everything else
azathoth is waking up
all of 'Umr at-Tawil’s lullabies failed
nothing actually matters
we await the end
zarboth megraw ther’xa

god this must look weird without any context
but in fairness, in a few months everything will look weird as context itself collapses when we all fall into our own personal insanities

Cahf ah nafl mglw’nafh hh’ ahor syha’h ah’legeth, ng llll or’azath syha’hnahh n’ghftephai n’gha ahornah ah’mglw’nafh!

on the plus side it hasn’t happened to my joy-cons yet
give it a few days though

Hasn’t happened to mine yet.
Y’all are confusing me lol.

If I wouldn’t be phonebound I would make a joke with a human that has 2 photoshopped right arms and no left arm and tell Eevee his curse is spreading.

it’s not a curse, it’s reality breaking down as the blind idiot god wakes up and the seams of reality fall apart
GOD Solic, you’re so uninformed sometimes smh

I’m practicing being uninformed majority.

I just watched the first class trial from Danganronpa V3 and I love it already, are all of them that good?

V3-1 is good imo but a lot of people dislike it
V3-2 is also pretty good
the first half of V3-3 is alright but it devolves pretty quickly
i’m so conflicted about V3-4 please don’t ask me about it
V3-5 is the best trial in the series
V3-6 is [REDACTED]

Skips to the 5th class trial

unfortunately you can’t do that because it’s only good because of the build-up to it

Don’t worry, it was a joke anyway.

V3 kind of exmplifies my view of Danganronpa: fun but very very flawed in a lot of ways

I believe that

Maybe someday I’ll pick it up

Probably if it comes to Switch

I don’t think I can ever buy a switch the internet ruined it for me

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I was planning on getting one for Christmas.

…They’re all sold out.

Still after 2 years?

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All the cuck and wife’s boyfriend bought me a switch memes