[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

“You Yee`d your last Haa”

By posting it you make me want to get the vig just to kill you. No matter if I know you’re on my faction or not.

But by posting that you made me want to post that, you posting that made me remember things I don’t want to remember lol

Unpopular Opinion:

People here bus too much in RM setups but not enough in balanced setups.


bussing is bad and you should feel bad for doing it, only bus if you are forced to

yall are wolves and you all need to act like it :triumph:

Asking an unreasonable tunneler to be reasonable… This will be tough.

No… that is not what I was talking about. My plan was to have a massacre, but if the Golden Gun is one per faction, then I have no (personal) use for it.

I mean, let’s be reasonable here; who the heck would actually claim for real when you know that there is a claimvig around? The worst that could happen is you getting killed, and the best that can happen is 9 towns fake claiming while 1 town actually legit claimed, causing confusion to the mafia team.

Mafia can fake claim or real claim all they want: We likely won’t listen to the claims this game.

So remember: If I claim anything else other than Poisoner / Bleed-er, then I am not that role.

Why would I? It only deteriorates the professionalism of the forum. Surely it will not harm this game?


wolves are handsome and have a chiseled jawline, they have nice looking hair and a cute nose


furry no

go commit mitosis

it’s not furry if its actual anim-

You want me to duplicate myself? Wow, you must like wolves, huh~?

duplicate yourself as wolves duplicate

looks at literally every set-up with a claimvig that has ever been run on this site


Oh sweet summer child.

Missed ya Zone. :upside_down_face:


im taken soz xoxo

So, any bets for when the first player will get shot by the claimvig?

First 24 hours?
First 12 hours?
First 4 hours?
Less than 1 hour into the game?


People for some reason just love trying to mechanically solve games here, tbh. Though every time that people tried to do this in my setups it always results in a village loss as I always put crazy shit in my games such as wolf-aligned doctors and neighbourizers.

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Hey, let’s be reasonable here. It’s totally possible that the claimvig won’t be online when the game starts, and in that case we’ll last more than an hour before the first claimvig death.


Imma say 37 hours. Someone’s gonna crack and claim but I think we can through at least a day and half first