[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

As I have grown, I have learned ISOs are long and usually get the point across with one to two quotes instead of going through and quoting everything. Less is more if that makes sense. Really grab at the meat of it, and not do a slim picking of it all dont worry I wont follow my own good advice next game cuz ill get too nervous but thats just me. Become better dont be me

Even if this is a better strategy, I’m always at a disadvantage because with school I inevitably miss at least half the thread and never have the time to review anywhere near all of it

Overall a slightly lower than Maxwell.

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That one time during FoL 23 where I was able to dominate activity with the most posts, I was on break from class

What about for my scumgame?

I feel I could be great, like i was there, if I just had more time

Only seen you once in RRM when I died, lol.

Oh. Well what overall performance would that be?

Please rate me

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Never seen you roll scum outside of the MU team game haha

This one is a canned misc if you’re really determined to rate me.

I’ve been rarely rolling scum lately. Only time I did it recently was once on a MU light game and 2 times here. Both of times I lowposted since I was extremely busy at the time.

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I feel like you have insane luck in rolling town

Make the most of your time, if that requires skipping some of thread while your active to contribute, i think thats better than reading 2,000 messages. Get to the reading at like nights during games, or when you have a good chunk of the time. If u need to get into the game fast and loud ask for a recap, doesnt always get a response and its not so in depth but it gets you a start and usually reading like the last two hndred messages over all 1000 should give you a good enough thread sense that you can engage enough

I feel like Alice has seen my journey from the noobiest of noobs replacing into the sfol blender game in early 2018 to my ability in FM now.

Play on MU
If you want to improve your play to higher eschelons, you’ll need to do it or get very experimental

I’ll play on MU when I finish school.

5 and a half weeks until I graduate

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This. Like, when I first went to MU I got smoked by higher level wolves as you can’t meta them nor read them for the reasons I can read people here.

Yeah, same.
It’s a lot harder

I always find people asking for recaps/tldrs of the game as scummy since they’re either lazy town/scum or scum who doesn’t want to give opinions on people’s posts that they missd.

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