[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I liked fuyuhiko but his arc was basically the same as the posh guy from the first - just a massive dick at the start and become more #relatable at the end and then survive - so was less interesting to me


I rlly wanna get the third its just so expensive for a game ill only play once

I feel like that arc was better with Fuyuhiko since he was more relatable

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I have not forgotten and check up everyday for changes so that I don’t miss it.


I’m scared I won’t be able to read everything in a game this big.

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Here’s a hint… if in doubt, shoot it out.
(Please don’t take this seriously. Just give it your best, I doubt anyone can read it all in a game like this)
Though… if you can shoot then follow your gut ^^

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Just read faster :upside_down_face:

(this is a joke)

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I mean, we have the Multi trial system in place (Scrum Debates for example)

so, yea there will be a select group of people that everyone will focus and read on.

Scrum Debates are gonna be interesting tbh, cause depending on who the wolfs are, and who they want to send in, it can create some interesting big brain plays.

I have a useful flowchart that helps cofused players, right @PokemonKidRyan?

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Yeah I agree

Posh guys arc felt natural and not forced too it just kinda happened over the whole game whereas fuyuhiko had one chapter all about him and then was just there for the rest of it

Simple you don’t, you vote me for student council President and ill do the reading for you

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didn’t like the chef but i loved the fat dude

sonia was too… plain. she was just so predictable by the end it was ugh

fuyuhiko was decent but i feel like he could’ve avoided the death of his bodyguard by not being stupid?

I agree Sonia was so boring lol I can’t remember anything about her other than she was a pretty princess and sometimes said she liked serial killers in a weird voice. She had 0 going for her.

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I hated Byakuya in that game. I’m not sure why, but I just did :woman_shrugging:

send this flowchart

If Miu has an ability to kill, you’re not surviving Day 1 or Night 1.

My character is probably immune

I will heal Hippo

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