[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Now imagine… polish accent.

will you let me make a the thing game that requires 17 alts

Also whatever you’re imagining, add a slight lisp

(btw no hate meant i had a bud from chicago who had a thick accent and we all made fun of him)

also slight texas accent for the win

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Boston accent is different because it’s so easy to fake lol
Not sure about the Brooklyn accent



I mean
Alts are useful and can be retooled for games after initial use

Also, if you ask me why Im awake at 5 am… Its becouse of… ehhhh… GAME

I guarantee you that no matter how much you ban discussing who is who, everyone actually paying attention will have figured out 75%+ of the player list by EoD1


Okay, but I have one request for this game.

I need a new pfp
this one is trash

@Marshal say 1-2 words


Micheal Scott

Cacophony poppycock

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Hmm, this seems scummy but I can’t quite place my finger on why. Might have something to do with just how hecking hedgy it is.

Everyone: ‘hmm. I wonder.’

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bitch i swear to god i will fuck you. That’s a threat and a promise.


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you’re right

I’ll retool game slightly to accommodate


My request for the thing is that it will be hosted on MU.

I’m suddenly very curious how well I’d do at imitating the speaking style of people here if I actually tried to

I would be okay with that being a thing, but that’s been hosted on MU recently