[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

got a major in mind?


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Like have written college level material
But that’s hardly useful

For those of you more used to the ACT, this is roughly equivalent to a 32

Why am I ranting in here
I’ll stop

I just finished reading Watchmen
Holy fuck it’s good

I’m going to be honest, I wish I had something reassuring to say but as it turns out there is in fact a lot of hard-to-predict randomness in college admissions

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not required for school

That’s inherent to colleges
I went into it knowing that

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I don’t really need to be assured here

I know what I’ll do when things go to shit (if that happens)

I totally failed at the ‘pick a very safe safety school’ thing and spent most of senior year terrified that I was going to get rejected from literally everywhere I’d applied to


Doing counter culture was my greatest mistake in choosing classes for this year
I could have easily taken another honor class

You always have the transfer route which gives you a clean slate for 98% of universities
I had to take that route despite having a 1540 SAT because I had a pretty mediocre HS Gpa

That’s exactly what I was planning to do
I’m nearby the top community colleges in the country alongside some decent CSUs if that’s what I need

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Also you have ridiculously better odds applying to transfer to the UC’s and USC from a cal CC from anywhere else

there are a lot of key guidelines regarding CC that I wish I knew when pursuing the transfer route though. so if you go with that, let’s talk some more via DM

Don’t post past this point for the next ten minutes

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Past this point for the next ten minutes

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Go commit go to store buy fish cook fish then eat fish

3 headed doge again