[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Ravings of my sleep deprived mind hellbent on trying to establish itself as an intellectual superior
Fairly sure that counts

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Also, as all of our consciousness knows, we constantly cancel and protect our own ego by using the many differences that ignore, oppress any views that run contrary to ourselves. However, over time, due to the fact that through about a span of 8 years, every cell in our body is remarkably different, and thus technically we are constantly changing, and therefore our views may change over time.

Thus, by looking into the crux of the abyss, when we look into the ever ending darkness, it will stare back at us, reflecting upon us what we actually look like, just like a mirror.

N o

I’d like to wax philosophy but in reality I don’t want to come off as an assehole
I’m not even sure if tis’ welcome here beacuasiofhvnpoiwemieviojvsjknvihunwvjisnuvwoni

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Too, regarding the fact that when you use up energy, you would feel a sensation that many call hungry. However, science regards this to the acid inside the stomach burning away at the resillient stomach linings inside your intestines, growling while eating away, and therefore sends chemicals to your brain via the blood that will give you a sense of discomfort, and a craving for food, as well as giving you a slightly enhanced sense of taste and smell. For food.

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It’s welcome

Spammer bot

Btw, this is just me being bored at work and its not meant to be philosophical in any way LOL

Like a mix of science and random words?

I guess you can call them philosophy?


Imagine performing an exorcism but not really but actually attention grabbing like ea little *****

We are obviously all NPCs in a game

We live in a society

And the players are gods

Why are we still here
just to suffer?


Every night I feel my leg…my arm…even my fingers

Usually, this is where one, who is of a technical age where they are going to experience puberty, open their mouth to voice
“Ok boomer”

Make this more verbose

Person who programmed this is a sadist