[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

The scrum debates are going to be the most fun thing ever.
Unless you find yourself with eight slankers “debating” your case.


Probably need to just pick randomly and get good if all someone has out of every of the 29 other players are null >_>

True and uncommon things is good for DR ;3

Same :smiley:
And ye, it seems nice and unique.


Gladiate - One of 2 people can be a vote.
So they can vote either of the two (Challenger or argue armament person) for execution
AND vote a player via the Non-Stop debate.

@Alice correct me if I’m wrong.


Removing the details, this is what I understand:

  • Put 7 Players to Trial
  • Any other Player (i.e. anyone not in AA) may gladiate this Player (i.e. anyone in AA).
  • Gladiator and Gladiated are ND-proof.

…if I am reading this correctly, then there WILL be a fool who is going to stupidly sacrifice himself immediately to kill one of the AA-trialed players. That fool, is myself.

I think you’re misreading again…

1 of the 7 most depair-voted will be RNGd to be put in the AA.
This person can be gladiated.
Gladiator and Gladiated (RNG’d AA person) will be ND-proof.


Now I’m at home, reading these mechanics. This is going to be so much fun.
I can’t wait.

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gladiates an unrevealed IC on D2


Im gladiating anyone and everyone i get the chance to

Oh. Now it makes sense. …still going to die trying to gladiate someone though. Especially @Kirefitten, @Icibalus and… wait, where is @NinjaPenguin?

I’m gonna gladiate people. That is my fate…
Or to be forced into the argument armament and then be gladiated. Y’know?

/gladiate PKR

/gladiate myself

All votes has been removed, only eevee or eevee can be lynched today.




(Won’t be able to participate in November)

/vote eevee the second one

Then you’ve failed at being town. Shame.

Woo! We love extra sister spice.

Not really sure, thought I’d read it when it actually happened.

gamer time /in


Leon and Rantaro best boys :sunglasses:

teach me

Margaret gladiated a revealed IC on Day 2

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w h y

also when was this