[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

/vote Geyde

AtE goes here

watch Solic use this slank cover to ask for protection N1 and N2 so he can get more active and gamesolve d3


I am locktown

This is an Alice game
They’re almost certainly going to have strongman up the wazoo

I am lockscum because gambler’s fallacy suggests it’s unlikely I’ll roll town again.

The different kill types are likely how this will play out

He probably laid slank cover as excuse only for the situation he rands wolf, and will be active if town.

I do that sometimes tbh.

Note to ignore astands slank covers

I just hope I finally roll something with self protection. I was attacked N1 my last 3 town games. :smile:

It’d be foolish to not just kill me later in this state though.


I have randed town and I will solve this game.

P r o t e c t m e N1!!

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Yea I faked my trip to Brazil in advance for this game.

Long con


Get yourself hit by a car in order to justify your slanking when your scummate is being wagoned
Get to a national level of competition to justify slanking during d2 during ITAs, use V/LA as an excuse to not be ITA’d

Same for me except town. I think I have always rolled scum in every Alice game.

Well laying pre game reads. Solic is home and he will be scumread for inactivity/s

Fixed it for ya. And your scummate will be the bus driver.

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Go to the moon in order to prod dodge

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Get sent to an alternative universe by a very fast priest in order to justify why you didn’t hammer scum when they were outed while plurality was disabled

Just say you were drunk and accidentally self-voted, smh.

I didn’t mean to hammer myself

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