[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I’m running for treasurer as I have IRL experience and would be best fit.

So suck it

Junko Enoshima Italy for Student Council President

Hmmm I’ll gladly have you as my treasurer

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That means I should run for Secretary as I was the Student Council Secretary in 8th grade… because I was the only one who signed up for the position

you people can’t trust a country to lead you? we have the most experience in leading things

I was pres in 8th grade.

But I’m not popular enough irl now so treasurer it is.

No boot will run my student Council not as long as I live

Terms accepted. :knife:

You would be willing to kill IC Datbird. Ur a monster

Especially when I rolled best girl. Shame on u Italy

i will use a dumbbell

Italy confirmed scum get him


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Oof No Geyxy @Geyde :frowning:


I will probably have to reread this thread a lot.

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Yes we were tryna form a hydra here as well

@Mercenaryare you happy now :eyes: