[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

It’s already too late to run


Well imma replace the water fountains with Kool-Aid fountains



no coke.

:gun: pepsi is better by 10000x

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we’ll split it 50/50 with dividers and everything

pepsie dosent burn your throat in the same way coke does

whats wrong with burn

i mixed pepsi and coke once

One time I drank coke in a silent room, had my headphones on.

…All I could hear was the coke fizzling in my mouth.

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And add salt and tea then dip potato chips into it

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Y’all have never tried dipping bourbons into Pepsi.

I used to always do that as a kid.

Dip fish fingers into milk.

Now that’s a criminal move.

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@Alice please make sure you take account of everyone who has entered and dropped out of this game before rolling, as the OP has not been updated in a long time and I have seen several people drop out.

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I believe our classes are already rolled mate.

ah k

Mine isn’t

Yes it is.

Upon inning in the game you can ask Alice for your flavor.